
How to Build a Successful Travel App

Let’s look at examples of which options users like and what a business should pay attention to.

Successful Travel App

Gone are the days when travelers made hotel reservations and tickets from travel agencies. Now this is done in a mobile application.

Statistics show that the demand for travel applications is growing: 31% of tourists are looking for information from a mobile device. 85% of users admit that they do not part with their smartphone on a trip. At the same time, revenues from online purchases of tours are increasing.

Get ready for the road

Some people like to make travel lists. For others, this process causes persistent irritation or panic. And the chance to forget something important is quite big.

Think over the types of travel, categories of items that you will need on the road. Detail lists by color and number of items so users don’t have to enter information manually.

To buy tickets

Take care of travelers: offer them search for flights, order a taxi – all in one application. It will be good if there are also reviews of tourists, plans for airport terminals, a calendar of favorable ticket prices, loyalty programs.

Find housing

Provide filters for hotels and apartments, interactive maps, real reviews. The more structured information you give, the less headache the user has.

Explore new countries and cities

Make sure your app has an intuitive and simple UI. Building a route is a tricky business in and of itself, and if you add vague navigation and questionable color schemes, the app is unlikely to appeal to users.

If you’ve been in the travel business for a long time, it’s time to reorient yourself to a mobile audience. A mobile application will increase your brand awareness, increase user loyalty and attract new customers. Make the application useful and accessible to your audience, and there you go, you won’t need Booking.

What do you think?

Written by Liam

Mobile Application for Tourists

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